Details for the
$3750 Male
Breast Reduction
($9300 Value)
At the Medical Group
Of Costa Rica®

Complete! Includes all doctors fees, pre-op tests, consultation, anesthetist fees, normal hospital fees, post-op visits, medical supplies and medications.
This is a featured offer by ArrivaGroups. No down payment! No deposit required. Click on the link below for full details.
Enjoy A Wonderful 5 day Medical Vacation
in Beautiful Costa Rica!
This deal includes a complete male breast reduction, all doctors fees, pre-op tests, anesthetist fees, pre-op consultation, post-op visits, normal hospital fees, medical supplies and post-op medications. There are no surprises. No deposit or prepayment is required. No down payment necessary! Click on the link below for full details.
Male Breast Reduction Deal

Offered by the Medical Group of Costa Rica

Price $3750 for this Male Breast Reduction Deal!

Details of the Male Breast Reduction
Below are details about the Male Breast Reduction deal. If you have any further questions, please write us at Please reference deal number 314497.
ArrivaGroups is located in San José, Costa Rica and this is where the procedure will be performed. The Male Breast Reduction deal is offered by the Medical Group of Costa Rica®, whose Plastic and Reconstructive surgeons are among the finest in the world.
Overview Male Breast Reduction
Male Breast Reduction (or Gynecomastia) is a surgery to address a very common condition affecting 40 to 60 percent of the male population. Enlarged male breasts are not attractive to most men and a male breast reduction procedure can give a firmer, flatter, more contoured chest thereby enhancing masculinity and increasing self-confidence.
Male breast reduction surgery can address this problem for men who feel self-conscious about their appearance. The procedure removes fat and/or glandular tissue from the breasts, and if necessary, excess skin. The result is a flatter, firmer chest consistent with masculine body contour.
A breast reduction can be performed on men of any age who are in good physical and emotional health. The best candidates for surgery have firm skin with sufficient elasticity to adopt the body´s improved contours.
In a typical procedure, an incision is made in an inconspicuous location either on the edge of the dark skin around the nipple, or in the underarm area. Through the incision, the surgeon cuts away the excess glandular tissue, fat and skin from around the areola and from the sides and bottom of the breast.
If the surgeon has determined that liposuction will be used in conjunction with excision to remove excess fat, a cannula can be inserted through the incisions.
If the surgeon has determined that your Gynecomastia consists primarily of excessive fatty tissue, liposuction would be an appropriate surgical technique for removal of this tissue. At the edge of the areola, the dark skin that surrounds the nipple, a very small incision, less than a half inch in length is made.
Depending on individual factors and preferences, the incision may be made in the underarm area. A cannula, which is a slim, hollow tube attached to a vacuum pump, is inserted into the incision. The surgeon moves the cannula through the layers beneath the skin, breaking up the fat and suctioning it out.
In cases where large amounts of tissue have been removed, it may be necessary for excess skin to be removed so that the remaining skin will adjust to fit the new breast contour.
There are several methods for breast reduction and this ArrivaGroups deal offers the most typical approaches to suit your situation.
The procedure can take up to 2 to 3 hours. There will be some degree of discomfort following surgery and some pain. Swelling and bruising occurs but usually begins to subside in several days. A degree of swelling may continue for longer periods, but eventually diminishes.
Number of Days
Only one visit is necessary to Costa Rica for the Male Breast Reduction procedure and you will be here for only 3 days. You should allow one day for arrival, so 4 days will be the full total.
If you have other combinations of medical or dental procedures in mind, we will write to you with the total number of days needed for the combination.
Additional Information
Surgery Centers and JCI-Accredited Hospitals
Families, Companions and Additional Deals
Confirmations and Travel Details
Customer Service
After selecting your deal(s), you will receive information from our Customer Service coordinator as well as travel and appointments information from the Medical Group of Costa Rica.
Upon arrival in Costa Rica, you will be met by a driver and all accommodations and transportation will be arranged and coordinated for you.
The Customer Service coordinator is Michelle Willis. Please write at any time with additional questions and she will answer promptly. When writing, please reference the Male Breast Reduction deal number 314497.