Details for the
$2500 Ear Surgery
($6400 Value)
At the Medical Group
Of Costa Rica®

Complete! Includes all doctors fees, pre-op tests, consultation, anesthetist fees, normal hospital fees, post-op visits, medical supplies and medications.
This is a featured offer by ArrivaGroups. No down payment! No deposit required. Click on the link below for full details.
Enjoy A Wonderful 4 day Medical Vacation
in Beautiful Costa Rica!
This deal includes a complete ear surgery procedure, all doctors fees, pre-op tests, anesthetist fees, pre-op consultation, post-op visits, normal hospital fees, medical supplies and post-op medications. There are no surprises. No deposit or prepayment is required. No down payment necessary! Click on the link below for full details.
Ear Surgery Deal

Offered by the Medical Group of Costa Rica

Price $2500 for this Ear Surgery Deal!

Details of the Ear Surgery
Below are details about the Ear Surgery Procedure. If you have any further questions, please write us at Please reference deal number 314476.
ArrivaGroups is located in San Jose, Costa Rica and this is where the procedure will be performed. The Ear Surgery deal is offered by the Medical Group of Costa Rica®, whose Plastic and Reconstructive surgeons are among the finest in the world.
Overview of an Ear Surgery
Ear surgery, or Otoplasty (also known as ear pinning or corrective ear surgery), is usually done to place prominent ears back closer to the head or to reduce the size of large ears. The result is a cleaner, smoother and more natural appearance to the overall symmetry of the head.
The external ear (pinna) is composed of a delicate and complex framework of shaped cartilage that is covered, on its visible surface, with thin, tightly adherent, hairless skin. Although of small area, the surface anatomy of the external ear is complex, consisting of the pinna (the auricle) and the external auditory meatus (auditory canal).
Otoplasty is the term for prominent ears which describes external ears (pinnae) that, regardless of their size, protrude from the sides of the head. The abnormal appearance exceeds the normal head-to-ear measures, wherein the external ear is less than 2.0 cm, and at an angle of less than 25 degrees, from the side of the head. Ear configurations of distance and angle that exceed the normal measures, appear prominent when the man or the woman is viewed from either the front or the back perspective.
The corrective goal of Otoplasty is to set back the ears so that they appear naturally proportionate and contoured, and have them harmoniously set back without evidence or indication of surgical correction. Therefore, when the corrected ears are viewed, they should appear normal, from the:
- Front perspective. When the ear (pinna) is viewed from the front, the helical rim should be visible, but not set back so far (flattened) that it is hidden behind the antihelical fold.
- Rear perspective. When the pinna is viewed from behind, the helical rim is straight, not bent, as if resembling the letter ‘C’ (the middle-third to flat), or crooked, as if a hockey stick (the earlobe is insufficiently flat). If the helical rim is straight, the setback is harmonious; that is, the upper-, middle-, and lower-thirds of the pinna will be proportionately setback in relation to each other.
- Side perspective. The contours of the ear should be soft and natural, not sharp and artificial.
The procedure can take from two to four hours. There will be some degree of discomfort following surgery but fortunately little pain. Swelling occurs but usually begins to subside in several days. A degree of swelling may continue for longer periods, but eventually diminishes.
Number of Days
Only one visit is necessary to Costa Rica for the Ear Surgery and you will be here for only 3 days. You should allow one day for arrival, so 4 days will be the full total.
If you have other combinations of medical or dental procedures in mind, we will write to you with the total number of days needed for the combination.
Additional Information
Surgery Centers and JCI-Accredited Hospitals
Families, Companions and Additional Deals
Confirmations and Travel Details
Customer Service
After selecting your deal(s), you will receive information from our Customer Service coordinator as well as travel and appointments information from the Medical Group of Costa Rica.
Upon arrival in Costa Rica, you will be met by a driver and all accommodations and transportation will be arranged and coordinated for you.
The Customer Service coordinator is Michelle Willis. Please write at any time with additional questions and she will answer promptly. When writing, please reference the Ear Surgery deal number 314476.